16 August 2016

The wonders of coconut oil!

Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can be classified as a “superfood.”
Its  combination of fatty acids can have positive effects on health.
This includes better brain function, healthy skin and various other amazing benefits.

Three of my favorite benefits of coconut oil are=

Coconut Oil for Hair– Coconut oil has been used in hair and its unique fat composition makes it especially beneficial for certain hair types. It can be used as a hair mask, oil treatment, or in homemade hair products.

To Moisturize and Nourish Skin– The same properties make coconut oil great for skin as well. Many people find that it is an effective natural moisturizer. Its great for stopping wrinkles and skin irritation. I suffer from odd rashes that pop up here and there, and by places a thin layer over the affected area really helps.

Brain function- Coconut oil is also well known for its ability to contribute to focus and mental performance. Adding coconut oil to a drink in the morning can help improve mental performance all day, and let the brain function properly.

I purchase my coconut oil from holland and barrett, you can purchase yours here!


15 August 2016

November water flavour of the month!

This month I have been loving orange flavored water! Its super refreshing and great for the summer! Oranges have so many benefits so adding it to your water can be great.
Benefits of oranges
-Maintain blood pressure
-Prevent Cancer
-Excellent source of the strong antioxidant vitamin C,
-Maintain Heart health
-Helps the skin

If you didn’t know im massively into skincare so anything that helps it I love!

The antioxidant vitamin C in oranges, when eaten in its natural form (as in an orange) or applied topically, can help to fight skin damage caused by the sun and pollution, reduce wrinkles and improve overall skin texture. Vitamin C plays a vital role in the formation of collagen, the support system of your skin.


30 July 2016

get 10% off with mm dresses!

I am so obsessed with http://www.mmdresses.co.uk clothing, their pieces are to die for! So when they gave me my very own personal code to share with all my viewers I was super excited. For 10% off everything besides sale, enter the code ‘phoebe’ at the checkout. last for 6 months so get shopping.

Enjoy! xxx

The 12 pound marble tray!

I am absoulty obsessed with this marble tray! As you all know I am in love with classic, classy, chic pieces so this is to die for. Marble is one of my favorite patterns so when I came across this I had to buy it, plus it was even better as it was only 12 pounds.

The reason I am so in love with this tray is because I always wanted something marble, like a phone case or furniture for my room but its so hard to come buy and can be so expensive.

I place my marble tray on my dressing table and place a classic p letter candle on top and a jewlery box for bits and bobs!

3 July 2016

favourite water flavour of the month

strawberry infused water

This month I have been loving strawberry infused water, I naturally go to reach water anyway because it is just so pure and clean, not only that its healthy. Although water can become very boring after a while so I like to switch it up a bit by adding fruit inside to give it some natural flavour.

All you need is strawberries and water and your ready to go, really quick and simple.

Tag me on instagram all your favourite ones, can't wait to see!

My favourite statement dress

If you cannot already tell I'm absolutely in love with this dress, if i could wear it everyday i would. I recently purchased this dress from miss guided in the sale it was originally 32 pounds but i got it for 19.99 and now dropped to 9pounds even better. what a bargain girls i would definitely get your hands on one before they sell out, they also do a black one.
                                                                                                                                                                  The reason i love this dress so much is because it s so elegant and beautiful you could dress it up or down with a pair of sandals or heels. I wore this dress for th first time to a wedding which went amazingly with my louis vuitton shimmer scarf and monogram bag.

The nude sheer sleeves and shoulders go perfectly with the skin and contrast well with the lavish white lace flowers on the dress. i would 100% suggest this dress for either a wedding, party or even on holiday.                                                                       


30 June 2016

My favourite shop in london


I am the typical girl, i love to shop it is honestly a hobby of mine. The reason i love selfridges so much is because there is such a wide range of variety. from makeup to shoes to clothes to accessories, but it is not just that they practically have every brand possible i girl or boy could want. I possibly could not stand going to london oxford street without going there.
Girls and Boys if you haven't yet already been there,
but I'm sure you have you have to go

tag me on all your posts or let me know what you thought x 

29 June 2016

The key to success of contouring

4 simple steps

 You don’t have to buy a contouring-specific product.

There are a ton of great creams and powders on the market meant specifically for contouring, but because your contour shade should be in the same tone family as your complexion, a “one size fits all” contouring product simply doesn’t exist. If you’re not finding anything that suits you, try a foundation that’s two or three shades darker than the shade you generally use.

Use your facial structure as a guide.

Rather than taking a formulaic approach to contouring by copying a face chart, use your own bone structure to help you figure out where you should place your contour. For natural-looking, everyday wear, consider the features that you want to highlight and refine rather than every single place a chart suggests you contour. You can also use your face as a physical guide: Sucking in your cheeks to locate the exact curve of your cheekbone and contouring just beneath that is the easiest, most effective way to add some shape to your face.

The right brush is key.

Angled brushes and flat, straight brushes are two options for contouring. You can choose whichever you’re most comfortable with, but formula plays a part, too: If you’re using a cream product, a flat brush with synthetic bristles is your best choice, as the smoother texture makes for better placement and blending. Powders should always be paired with soft natural brushes—an angled blush brush is perfect.

Finish the rest of your face first.

For contouring to look natural, it needs a base to adhere to, so attempting to contour on a makeup-free face is a no go. Laying down your canvas first is essential—a liquid or cream foundation works great, as it helps everything layered on top blend better. That said, contouring should be one of the final steps in your makeup routine. Do your eyes, lips, brows, and what have you first before moving on to contouring, then blush, because you risk over-applying and creating a look that’s too dramatic once you see it in the context of the rest of your makeup.

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